Health & Fitness

How To Fix Low Back Pain INSTANTLY? My Back Pain Coach

My Back Pain Coach is a step by step video training system that teaches you movements to cure your back pain. Ian Hart’s method involves 8 simple movements done in a specific sequence that takes no longer than 16 minutes. These movements helps your back to get the nutrients and oxygen it needs to restore your spine (nerves and discs), heal your back and support your body again.

The program is developed by Ian Hart. He has been suffering from back pain for years and he decided to help others by making this program.

What Is My Back Pain Coach All About?

Back Pain Relief 4 Life is not about causes, it’s about a solution. A single, short, 16-minute method that can begin healing your back just minutes from now.

The goal? To restore the flexibility, full mobility, nutrients to the spine and muscle balance missing from modern life.

Learn a simple stretching and massage routine to provide instant relief for upper back pain, shoulder pain, and neck pain. Help yourself feel better fast with this simple video of exercises to help you heal your upper body aches.

The 8 exercises in Detail:

  • Starts the activation of imbalanced muscles and prepares them for release.
  • Dormant hip muscles are woken proceeding the activation of imbalanced muscles.
  • Your pains begins to release at this stage because your body is prepared for the next exercise
  • Lower back keeps being flooded with newer blood, oxygen and nutrient (highly energizing).
  • Decompression of the lower back.
  • Full body alignment. Restores muscle balance, not just in the spine but your lower back.
  • Stabilization of your back, spine and hips into their natural position is complete.
  • The spine is gently compressed to get old blood from your discs then pulls in newer blood for better healing.

Back Pain Coach (Bonuses):

  • 10 Targeted Coaching Video Sessions For Back Pain Relief
  • Free One on One Coaching
  • The “Begin Your Day” Video Program
  • Quick Follow Along Videos With Music
  • Instant Access To The Videos Online

My Back Pain Program Duration

12 weeks

The Back Pain Relief 4 Life program is a series of exercises that you will do for the rest of your life, in order to first achieve and then maintain relief from your back pain.

Although it’s advertised to sound like a quick fix. With multiple testimonies of people finding pain relief within the first short session, it’s not meant to be a one time miracle cure for back pain.

It takes four to six weeks of doing the program consistently, to get to the point where you will have achieved significant or total pain relief. After that, you will ideally continue on with the plan indefinitely.

Program Is Divided Into Three Levels:

  • Level I is the entry level. This 32 minute video establishes form and gets you in some basic semblance of shape before progressing to the next, more intensive level. Ian recommends that you do the exercises shown in this level three times a week for three weeks before advancing to Level II.
  • Level II is more intense, and this 27 minute video shows some advanced exercises. As with Level I, you should practice these exercises for three weeks before moving on to Level III.
  • Level III also runs 27 minutes and is the most advanced of the three videos.

What are the causes of back pain?

  • Disc injuries: There really are only two main categories of disc problems: Degenerative Disc Disease and Herniated Disc. Ruptured discs can cause inflammation and pressure on nerves, and that is causing pain.
  • Osteoarthritis: As you get older, discs break down and shrink. The facet joints can start to rub against one another. This causes swelling and pain.
  • Osteoporosis: Weaker bones make compression fractures, including fractures in your spine. These fractures can happen anywhere in the spine, but they tend to occur in the upper back.
  • Spinal stenosis: If the space around your spinal cord narrows, it can put pressure on the nerves and cause pain. The lower back develops lumbar stenosis, while the neck develops cervical stenosis.
  • Muscle and ligament injuries: Overstretching the muscles or ligaments can cause muscle and ligament injuries. Lifting heavy objects, torsion, or a bad movement can cause muscles or ligaments to develop tears.
  • Spondylolisthesis: If Joints and ligaments are too loose, the bones can slip or slide against one another.


 You will learn how to do it using only exercised developed by a real live personal trainer, with plenty of certifications under his belt.

You simply follow some videos that are 16 minutes long-great for us busy parents and career people-and then you will find the way to better health. Plus, there are only eight techniques in the entire video, making it easy on you.

There are plenty of videos to peruse in this program. The library is extensive. You will follow a three-level program. Each level is about 30 minutes in length. That’s about the time of a basic workout.

The exercises are straightforward and require nothing in the way of special equipment. You won’t need access to a gym, but a mat to use when you lie on the floor will be helpful.


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